Amy Guthrie Steve Sande Amy Guthrie Steve Sande

The Right Path | Life Verse (Part 4)

For those of us who want God's direction in our lives, Pastor Amy Guthrie's Life Verse message teaches three conditional commands that lead to the promise in Proverbs 3:4-5. She also uses personal examples from her own journey to demonstrate each point and shares the downside of what happens when we miss out on God's guidance.

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Judah Dawkins Steve Sande Judah Dawkins Steve Sande

Earthly Credit or His Glory | Life Verse (Part 3)

In His final words before heading to the cross recorded in John 17, Jesus is praying for us to see His glory. "Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world." -John 17:24 It’s a prayer to bring us into The Eternal Now. It’s a prayer for today. Learn how we walk this out individually and together, as a church body in this powerful message from Colorado Springs Campus Pastor Leah Ramirez.

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Moses George Steve Sande Moses George Steve Sande

Face To Face | Life Verse (Part 2)

Today's message continues our look at verses we live by, this time with Pastor Moses George. He shares his story of an encounter with God in his teen years and how his anchor verse, Exodus 33:11, has informed his walk with God and his heart's desire for each of us.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Hope Homes | The Greatest Commandment

Our series continues with an examination of the second commandment ("Love your neighbor as yourself.") in the context of the greatest commandment. Pastor Shane explains how our love for others springs from our love for God and provides a practical application of loving other in the example of Deuteronomy and the launch of Hope Homes.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The True Definition of Greatness | The Greatest Commandment (Part 21)

In this special Father's Day 2024 message, Pastor Shane addresses the desire for greatness that either motivates or plagues men (and many women) throughout their lives, leading to depression and midlife crises. At the heart of the matter is a distortion of God's purpose for our lives, particularly the definition of greatness. Learn the true definition of greatness and how you can find instant purpose and meaning no matter where you are in life.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Vengeance Is The Lord’s | The Greatest Commandment (Part 20)

When we've been wronged, it's easy to seek justice on our own, but Pastor Shane teaches that when we do that, we limit our ability to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Join us as we unpack what's really going on inside of each of us when we've been offended, and discover how seeking revenge is really a lack of faith in God's love for us.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The Weapon Of Unity | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 20)

Join us this week as Pastor Shane explores Acts 4:32, where the early church was "one in heart and soul." We'll examine what unity isn't as well as the biblical definition of what it is. True unity agrees with God over people. Through an agreement on priority, pursuit, prize, and prayer, we can strive to embody the authentic oneness of the early church.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Some Is The Enemy Of All: The Greatest Commandment (Part 19)

In Mark 12:30, Jesus answers the question posed to him about which commandment is the greatest. He recalls Deuteronomy 6:5, that we should love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength. But Pastor Shane warns of barriers to loving with all, using instructions for battle from Deuteronomy to highlight ways we might be halfhearted instead of wholehearted.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The Weapon of Humility | Soldiers and Citizens (Part 19)

Of all the traits of Nehemiah, one stands out as most important throughout his story of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and rebuilding the nation of Israel: humility. Pastor Shane highlights four ways that the weapon of humility made possible the work of Nehemiah, keeping him on course as he fought a battle for the Lord. (Message begins at approximately 41:46)

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Grace and Striving | The Greatest Commandment (Part 18)

What role does work have in the Kingdom of God? How are we to understand grace, especially in contrast to striving? And what does this have to do with love God with our all? Pastor Shane continues The Greatest Commandment series by drawing largely on the writings of Paul to show how a proper understanding of grace can change our approach to faith and works.

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Brandon Grissom Steve Sande Brandon Grissom Steve Sande

The Weapon of the Name of Jesus | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 18)

Join us as Pastor Brandon explores the crucial role of the name of Jesus in our lives as soldiers in the Kingdom of God. This name is a potent weapon against the enemy's schemes. The name of Jesus is crucial for who we are as soldiers in the Kingdom of God because Jesus is the source of our identity (who we are), of our power (how we function), and of our security (our confidence in the future) for those of us who are under the name of Jesus.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit | The Greatest COmmandment (Part 17)

In this message, we're diving into why having the Holy Spirit in our lives is crucial for truly loving the Lord with all our soul. Explore how the power and presence of God are directly connected to His purpose for us. Plus, Shane discusses the importance of not brushing off God's word, as it's essentially rejecting God Himself. Join us as we unpack what it means to embrace the Holy Spirit and pursue all aspects of God in our lives.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

A Strengthened Soul | The Greatest Commandment (Part 15)

Jesus reminded us that there are four ways that we're commanded to love God (Mark 12:30). In today's message, Pastor Shane draws attention our soul, the often misunderstood and therefore often neglected part of who we are, helping us understand how the soul functions in relationship to the other parts of us (heart, mind, strength) and how we can strengthen our souls to love God fully.

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