controller - full-time (exempt or contract)

The Controller is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who leads all accounting ministries to steward financial assets for maximum impact by establishing, monitoring, and enforcing financial policies, procedures, controls, transaction-processing operations, and reporting systems for Revolution Church and equips all ministries under his/her direct supervision (accounting, payroll, human resources) to provide world-class support, resourcing the church to function effectively and efficiently with the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability.

View the role description below and email with your resume if interested.


The Early Childhood Coordinator positions Revolution Church for maximal kingdom impact by ensuring we offer a high-impact, highly relational ministry for kids that helps them grow spiritually and powerfully experience the love of Christ by recruiting and onboarding volunteers, coordinating the administrative and logistic support for early childhood and ensure kids and their families are well served. He/She is responsible for raising up Titans of the Faith, whose chief end is to elevate greater worship to God in their area; raises up a Joshua and Caleb generation by providing powerful worship, catalytic teaching, and implementing curriculum in each room; ensures the babies, toddlers and preschool kids powerfully experience the love of Christ in a safe environment.

View the role description below and email with your resume if interested.

INSTRUMENTALIST - Independent contractor

The Instrumentalist encourages our church to become a more worshiping congregation by contributing instrumental excellence to the Worship Band with the aim that love is expressed up to God in worship and that worship sets are upward focused with pure praise.  We are seeking qualified drummers, bass players, keys players and electric guitarists.

View the role description below and email with your resume and video samples of worship sets, if interested.