The Weapon of Discerning Spirits - Jezebel | Soldiers and Citizens (Part 20)

In 1 Kings 16:31, we are introduced to Jezebel, a name synonymous with a cunning and manipulative spirit. The "Jezebel spirit" seeks out people in positions of power and influence, using subtle and overt tactics to control and manipulate. This spirit is not to be underestimated; we can easily fall prey to its deceptions without proper understanding.

Learn more as Pastor Shane unpacks the 7 tactics of the Jezebel spirit. Learn how to recognize its presence and differentiate between what it is and is not. This spirit cannot be tolerated; it must be starved and resisted whenever encountered.


The True Definition of Greatness | The Greatest Commandment (Part 21)


Vengeance Is The Lord’s | The Greatest Commandment (Part 20)