Latest TEstimonies
"I had started using [nicotine pouches] during a stressful time...over time I become addicted to them. I tried to quit on my own to no avail..."
"I was serving upstairs in the broadcast live-stream studio and little did I know..."
"We had one bundle of firewood to use...and we prayed and worshipped the Lord and..."
"The dashboard on our car lit up like a Christmas Tree...there was a national shortage [for the part]...which was troubling because we were going to drive 1700 miles to New Jersey..."
"My contract at work ended...and I started applying for other jobs and six other doors must have been closed along the way...but we just knew He would open another door."
"Not thirty minutes into worship I heard His voice rumbling like thunder in my ears with a question..."
"I felt like the Lord was convicting me that I had been for a very long time prioritizing doing things for Jesus as opposed to with Jesus..."
"It felt like I was in a room all by myself and that God was speaking directly to me..."
"As I was worshipping I just felt this refreshing wind that hit me..."
"God started to stir in my heart and show me how I had twisted an important part of my walk with Him..."
"One colleague who reports to me has given me the most heartache, speaking pretty badly about me...and I have been praying for her. At our last one-on-one meeting..."
"I've been living with excruciating back pain...for weeks upon weeks...received prayer and in 30 seconds time..."
“…something I have dealt with my entire life is tinnitus, which causes severe vertigo and can’t look side to side without getting severely dizzy…”
"I was praying in the car that He would heal [my foot] during worship and..."
"What I gave up was the love of the world and what I received was..."
"...Right before daybreak the Lord's presence was so dense and so powerful...all I could do was drop to my knees..."
"I was just crossing in front of the stage and I saw a pillar of smoke rising into the air..."
"Lord, it's been a long time since I have sought you out. Is it even possible for me to find you?"
"[While praying] all of the sudden out of my mouth I started saying..."