All Word | Discovery Course
Pastor Shane dives into the importance of being in the Word of God daily or almost daily. We are called to be a people who seek God in His Word daily, and a people who obey God’s Word fully, not picking and parceling out parts and pieces. We are committed to preaching the full counsel of God’s Word in church, not just the palatable parts or culturally accepted scriptures.
Letter to the Church in Laodicea | An End Times Survival Guide
Jesus says to the church of Laodicea, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Revelation 3:15-16 Learn from Moses George how to grow in passion towards Jesus and become His spotless bride.
Dependence & Obedience | Discovery Course
It's easy to trust God when things are going well, but what then if your security is gone? We learn from Pastor Brandon that dependency on God and obedience to God go hand in hand.
The Church in Philadelphia | An End Times Survival Guide
In Revelation 3, Pastor Rebekah dives into Jesus' letter to the church of Philadelphia. This church has been enduring persecution and has stayed faithful in perseverance with a burning love for God.
Generosity and Love | Discovery Course
Pastor Shane teaches the third and fourth of six values that we hold at Revolution Church, unsparing generosity and uncommon love. Learn more about the who, what, and why of Revolution Church in our Discovery Course.
Letter to Sardis | An End Times Survival Guide
To the church of Sardis, Jesus said, "I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." Pastor Shane dives into the meaning of this and exhorts us on what it means to be a Christian AND be alive.
Unshakeable Hope | Discovery Course
Pastor Trent teaches the second of six values that we hold at Revolution Church, unshakeable hope. Watch to learn more about the who, what, and why of Revolution Church.
The Church in Thyatira | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Brandon Grissom picks up in this series on the book of Revelation and dives into the letter to the church of Thyatira, which is the fourth of the seven churches to which Jesus sent a message (Revelation 2:18-24).
Unwavering Faith | Discovery Course
Pastor Shane teaches the first of six values that we hold at Revolution Church, unwavering faith. Watch to learn more about the who, what, and why of Revolution Church.
The Battle Within | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Shane examines the third letter Jesus delivered to the churches in Revelation, this one to Pergamum. We learn that there are two battles being waged at the same time -- one external and one internal -- and we need to be on guard about the one that can spell our undoing.
Seeking | Discovery Course
Pastor Shane teaches the foundation of what our church believes. This first message is about seeking and the unique promise that if we seek God, we will find him. Learn more about this unique promise, what it means to go beyond the obedience line, and the hidden resistances to seeking.
The Test of a Church | An End Times Survival Guide
In today's message we examine Jesus' letter to the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2. Pastor Shane shares the history of persecution and martyrdom in Smyrna and relates it to questions that we should ask ourselves about our faith.
An Inglorious Invitation | Four Ways To Miss A Miracle
Our final message in the series examines the difference between a command, a calling, and an invitation, focusing on Isaiah 6. Pastor Shane shares four important reminders that will keep us accepting the invitations of God, no matter how seemingly inglorious.
The Book Of Revelation | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Shane dives into the book of Revelation, the seven churches, and the true meaning of persevering in the faith.
Waiting For Rain | Four Ways To Miss A Miracle
Pastor Brandon takes us into the life of Noah in Genesis 6, detailing his life of faith before the rain came. We are challenged to reframe our perspective of new things in the context of what God has promised He'll do.
The Afterlife | An End Times Survival Guide
What happens when we die? Pastor Shane continues our series with an examination of the gradual revelation of Old and New Testament references to life after death for those who believe in Jesus and those who don't.
Perceived Inadequacies | Four Ways To Miss A Miracle
Part two of our miniseries examines Moses response to God's call via the burning bush. Pastor Shane teaches that focusing on what we don't have or what we aren't able to do in our own power causes us to miss the very definition of a miracle: where God operates beyond our power for His glory.
Seven Signs of the Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide
Our series continues as Pastor Shane examines passages from Daniel, 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation (among others) that detail the signs of the antichrist's rise to power in the end times. He challenges us to consider how we might build up the faith of those we love to ensure they survive the coming apostasy that marks the rise of the antichrist.
Don’t Miss The MIracle
Pastor Rebekah examines the story of Hagar in Genesis 16 to encourage listeners to be aware of the miracles taking place around us and how we can understand them rightly in order to avoid missing the next one.
The Rise Of The Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide
Pastor Shane teaches the first of two messages about the antichrist, the person who will embody the most intentional and direct opposition to the people of God in the end times. Our study of prophetic scripture reveals the possible sequence of events for the antichrist's rise to power and the conditions that will allow most people to accept and even appreciate his rejection of Christianity.