Be Filled with the Holy Spirit | The Greatest COmmandment (Part 17)
In this message, we're diving into why having the Holy Spirit in our lives is crucial for truly loving the Lord with all our soul. Explore how the power and presence of God are directly connected to His purpose for us. Plus, Shane discusses the importance of not brushing off God's word, as it's essentially rejecting God Himself. Join us as we unpack what it means to embrace the Holy Spirit and pursue all aspects of God in our lives.
A Strengthened Soul | The Greatest Commandment (Part 15)
Jesus reminded us that there are four ways that we're commanded to love God (Mark 12:30). In today's message, Pastor Shane draws attention our soul, the often misunderstood and therefore often neglected part of who we are, helping us understand how the soul functions in relationship to the other parts of us (heart, mind, strength) and how we can strengthen our souls to love God fully.
Discerning The Spirit Of Division | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 14)
When you're fighting a battle of any kind, undoing the work of your adversary can be your most effective weapon. Pastor Shane examines the spirit of division that seeks to come against the church and presents key questions that can serve as weapons against this deceptive attack.
Preserving A Wholehearted Love (part 2) | The Greatest Commandment (Part 13)
Pastor Shane continues our examination of Caleb's lifelong, wholehearted devotion to God by sharing the roles that humility and purpose play in preserving our love. We take a fresh look at Jesus' temptation in the wilderness to see how His commitment to His purpose helped sustain His love for the Father despite temptations to self-reliance, self-righteousness, and self-preservation.
People As Weapons | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 13)
Our series, Soldiers and Citizens, continues as Pastor Shane shares how Abraham, Joshua, David, and Paul in the Bible left everything and gave everything to follow God. There was nothing they were unwilling to do for Him. They lived out Acts 20:24 "But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God." Until Jesus becomes our life…He will be continually competing with our life. Until Jesus becomes our life…He will be continually contending with our life. When He is our life…What He wants is what we want. His will is what we want. Learn in this message how you can become a versatile tool that God can use over and over.
Preserving a Wholehearted Love (Part 1) | The Greatest Commandment (Part 12)
When Caleb returned from spying in Canaan, Israel rejected his report of milk and honey, opting instead to wander in the desert for forty years. When the nation finally crossed the Jordan, we find Caleb's strength and devotion to God unaffected by time and age. But how? Pastor Shane shares two vital characteristics of a heart that perseveres in the face of obstacles and reminds us of the importance of finishing strong in our day.
Stand In Awe | The Greatest Commandment (Part 11)
Every encounter with the miraculous is an opportunity for us to respond, but one response will stifle future miracles, while the other actually increases the likelihood of more. In today's continuation of The Greatest Commandment series, Pastor Shane reveals how we can love God with all of our minds by fostering a sense of awe in what He does.
Mary’s Resurrection | Easter Weekend 2024
This Easter weekend we revisit a familiar passage of Scripture, John chapter 11 and the death of Lazarus. But this time, Pastor Shane turns our attention to a less obvious resurrection: Mary's. Learn how her questioning of Jesus kept her from going to Him, and how our own doubts can be what's keeping us from a resurrection of our own.
A Corrected Mind | The Greatest Commandment (Part 9)
We're commanded to love God with all of our minds, but what if we're not doing that? Are we open to correction? Pastor Shane shares the process of correcting faulty thinking and how being comfortable can be a barrier to a mind fully devoted to God.
Staying in the Stream of the SPirit | Soldiers and citizens (Part 8)
1 Samuel 16:13 tells us that after his anointing by Samuel, "the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward." Pastor Shane examines not only what can keep us in the stream of the Spirit, but common obstacles and attacks that attempt to knock us off course. If you've ever had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and long for more of Him in your life, you'll appreciate this examination of David's early life.
An Understanding Mind | The Greatest Commandment (Part 8)
While pursuing knowledge is admirable, it's possible that our knowledge can actually be a stumbling block when we desire to love God with all our minds. Pastor Shane reveals an underemphasized but vital element of our awareness of God, His word, and His kingdom and shares simple but powerful ways to increase our understanding.
A Mind Set On His Glory | The Greatest Commandment (Part 7)
Today's message returns our focus to "with all your mind" from what Jesus said was "the greatest commandment" (Mark 12:30). Pastor Shane reveals two competing mindsets that dominate our decision making and challenges us to once and for all choose to think in a way that makes Him our first love.
The Weapon of Witness | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 6)
Our Wednesday night series begins with Pastor Shane's examination of the Sermon on the Mount. In it, Jesus proactively provides a picture of who God really is, in particular as our Father. What the sermon reveals is that Jesus was always showing us the father, witness to who He is, and correcting those who were missing it. Is your weapon of spiritual warfare your witness to who God is?
What Quenches The Fire Of Our HEarts | The Greatest Commandment (Part 6)
Our examination on the "with all your heart" part of The Greatest Commandment wraps up with a message about what quenches the fire of our hearts. Pastor Shane offers a deeper look at the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) to reveal what was flawed about both brothers' understanding of their father's love and how that kept them from truly loving him.
The Battle For A Burning Heart | The Greatest Commandment (Part 5)
In part five of the series, we return to the two men on the road to Emmaus and examine their hearts before they burned from their interaction with Jesus. Pastor Shane highlights key points of the spiritual journey that paralleled their physical journey from Jerusalem and reveals the battle that's constantly waging for the fire in our hearts... and how we can keep them burning bright.
Hearts Of Fire | The Greatest Commandment (Part 3)
After Jesus left the disciples on the road to Emmaus, they asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). In part three of The Greatest Commandment series, Pastor Shane shares the keys to keeping our hearts burning with the presence of God.
Generosity | Soldiers And Citizens (Part 2)
Discover the often-overlooked weapon that can transform your life and the world around you: generosity. As we continue our Soldiers and Citizens series, Pastor Shane delves into the transformative power of generosity, showing that it's not just about monetary contributions but a holistic approach that impacts every aspect of our lives. From the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 to our modern-day testimonies, we'll reveal how small acts of giving can multiply and become profound testimonies to God's sufficiency and love.
All Your Heart (Part 2) | The Greatest Commandment (Part 2)
The second message of The Greatest Commandment series is also part 2 of "All Your Heart". Pastor Shane shares the five steps of a heart that drifts from loving God fully. Learn how Judas, Pharaoh, Ananias, and others unwittingly began a path that ultimately turned away from God... and how we can avoid drifting away from our First Love.
All Your Heart (Part 1) | The Greatest Commandment (Part 1)
Our first love cannot be true unless it follows the Greatest Commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength." Pastor Shane begins the series by focusing on "with all your heart": how to love God with your whole heart as Jesus taught us.
Listen to the Voice of the King | Revival Weekend 2024 (Part 2)
In part two of Revival Weekend 2024, Pastor Shane builds on part 1 by teaching about the relationship between hearing God's voice and obeying in faith as we seek to imitate Heaven here on Earth.