Revelation 7 - Sealed for Eternity | An End Times Survival Guide
Revelation 7 reveals a profound truth about God’s people being sealed for their eternal inheritance. In the first eight verses, John witnesses 144,000 sealed from the tribes of Israel. However, the list of tribes is deeply symbolic, reflecting the spiritual realities of faithfulness over lineage. Dan and Ephraim, tribes associated with apostasy and idolatry, are absent, while Manasseh, a son of mixed heritage, is included—pointing to the inclusive nature of God’s true Israel, comprised of Jews and Gentiles united by faith in Christ.
Revelation 6 & 7 The Seven Seals | An End Times Survival Guide
This sermon focuses on the opening of the seven seals in the Book of Revelation, marking the beginning of the end-times sequence. The seals represent the judgment of God that has been delayed but not denied, and their opening initiates what Jesus described in Mark 13 as the "beginning of birth pangs."
Revelation 4 & 5 (part 2) | An End Times Survival Guide
Rebekah Layton delves into Revelation 4 and 5, focusing on Jesus' worthiness to open the scroll and the transformative power of worship during the end times.
Revelation 4 & 5 | An End Times Survival Guide
At the conclusion of each letter to the seven churches in Revelation, Jesus offers a powerful exhortation: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." But what does it truly mean to "have an ear to hear"? Pastor Shane reveals that"having ears to hear what the Spirit says is 90% about our interpretation of His intention." Join us to discover how we can deepen our spiritual listening and respond to the Spirit’s guidance today.
Revelation 2 & 3 Endings | An End Times Survival Guide
At the conclusion of each letter to the seven churches in Revelation, Jesus offers a powerful exhortation: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." But what does it truly mean to "have an ear to hear"?
Jesus Revealed | An End Times Survival Guide
The church in Ephesus seemed to have it all—sound doctrine, discernment, good deeds, and perseverance—but risked losing their lamp stand because they neglected their first love. Jesus, who walks among the churches, reminds them that their relationship with Him must be central; doctrine and actions need to be driven by love and a desire for His presence.
Letter to the Church in Laodicea | An End Times Survival Guide
Jesus says to the church of Laodicea, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Revelation 3:15-16 Learn from Moses George how to grow in passion towards Jesus and become His spotless bride.
The Church in Philadelphia | An End Times Survival Guide
In Revelation 3, Pastor Rebekah dives into Jesus' letter to the church of Philadelphia. This church has been enduring persecution and has stayed faithful in perseverance with a burning love for God.
Letter to Sardis | An End Times Survival Guide
To the church of Sardis, Jesus said, "I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." Pastor Shane dives into the meaning of this and exhorts us on what it means to be a Christian AND be alive.
The Church in Thyatira | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Brandon Grissom picks up in this series on the book of Revelation and dives into the letter to the church of Thyatira, which is the fourth of the seven churches to which Jesus sent a message (Revelation 2:18-24).
The Battle Within | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Shane examines the third letter Jesus delivered to the churches in Revelation, this one to Pergamum. We learn that there are two battles being waged at the same time -- one external and one internal -- and we need to be on guard about the one that can spell our undoing.
The Test of a Church | An End Times Survival Guide
In today's message we examine Jesus' letter to the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2. Pastor Shane shares the history of persecution and martyrdom in Smyrna and relates it to questions that we should ask ourselves about our faith.
The Book Of Revelation | An End Times Survival Guide
Pastor Shane dives into the book of Revelation, the seven churches, and the true meaning of persevering in the faith.
The Afterlife | An End Times Survival Guide
What happens when we die? Pastor Shane continues our series with an examination of the gradual revelation of Old and New Testament references to life after death for those who believe in Jesus and those who don't.
Seven Signs of the Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide
Our series continues as Pastor Shane examines passages from Daniel, 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation (among others) that detail the signs of the antichrist's rise to power in the end times. He challenges us to consider how we might build up the faith of those we love to ensure they survive the coming apostasy that marks the rise of the antichrist.
The Rise Of The Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide
Pastor Shane teaches the first of two messages about the antichrist, the person who will embody the most intentional and direct opposition to the people of God in the end times. Our study of prophetic scripture reveals the possible sequence of events for the antichrist's rise to power and the conditions that will allow most people to accept and even appreciate his rejection of Christianity.
The Millenium | An End Time Survival Guide Part 2
In part two of our series, Pastor Shane shares the three prevailing views of Christ's millennial reign following the rapture, including which he believes to be the correct interpretation of prophesy. The message ends with a reminder of our responsibility to prepare our hearts for what God tells us will come.
We Prepare For What We Expect | An End Times Survival Guide Part 1
Our new series kicks off with a foretelling of the end times from the One who will return in glory, Jesus Christ. Using Mark 13 and a variety of parallel accounts (namely Matthew 24 and Revelation 6), Pastor Shane provides a scholarly interpretation of the sequence of events to come and challenges us to prepare for what Jesus told us will happen.
The Need At Our Gate
Today's sermon examines the story of Lazarus the beggar at the gate of the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) in the context of opportunities we have to serve people in need at our various campuses and potential campus locations. In particular, we learn about the Hope Homes galas that are happening around the country and how we can help those who have been laid at our gates.
Heaven | Life Verse (Part 8)
Have you ever wondered what heaven is like, or if it's even real? In today's message, Pastor Brandon focuses on Jesus' promise to his listeners in based on John 14:2, revealing the reality of heaven as a home, a city, and a body.