Rebekah Layton Mim Jordano Rebekah Layton Mim Jordano

The Trumpets | Blood and Wormwood

Pastor Rebekah's sermon on the Tribulation focused on the challenging times preceding Christ's return, including the rise of the AntiChrist, global conflict, and persecution of believers, described as "birth pangs" in Matthew 24. She explored the Seven Trumpets in Revelation 8, highlighting God's judgment through catastrophic events like blood raining from the sky and the sea turning to blood, signaling divine retribution for the persecution of His people. Despite these judgments, Pastor Rebekah emphasized God's mercy, offering a chance for repentance. She also warned against false prophets misleading people with false peace and urged the church to remain vigilant, rooted in Scripture, and steadfast in faith, preparing to be a beacon of truth in the last days.

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Shane Farmer Mim Jordano Shane Farmer Mim Jordano

The Trumpets of Revelation 8 & 9

The Tribulation is a biblically prophesied period at the culmination of the end times. It is a time when believers are called to persevere through trials and tribulations as described in Scripture. Pastor Shane emphasizes the importance of preparing for this period by fostering a faith that is resilient and enduring.

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Shane Farmer Mim Jordano Shane Farmer Mim Jordano

Persevering Faith

The Tribulation is a biblically prophesied period at the culmination of the end times. It is a time when believers are called to persevere through trials and tribulations as described in Scripture. Pastor Shane emphasizes the importance of preparing for this period by fostering a faith that is resilient and enduring.

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