Steve Sande Steve Sande

Seven Signs of the Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide

Our series continues as Pastor Shane examines passages from Daniel, 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation (among others) that detail the signs of the antichrist's rise to power in the end times.  He challenges us to consider how we might build up the faith of those we love to ensure they survive the coming apostasy that marks the rise of the antichrist. 

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The Rise Of The Antichrist | An End Time Survival Guide

Pastor Shane teaches the first of two messages about the antichrist, the person who will embody the most intentional and direct opposition to the people of God in the end times. Our study of prophetic scripture reveals the possible sequence of events for the antichrist's rise to power and the conditions that will allow most people to accept and even appreciate his rejection of Christianity.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The Millenium | An End Time Survival Guide Part 2

In part two of our series, Pastor Shane shares the three prevailing views of Christ's millennial reign following the rapture, including which he believes to be the correct interpretation of prophesy.  The message ends with a reminder of our responsibility to prepare our hearts for what God tells us will come. 

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Christine Caine Steve Sande Christine Caine Steve Sande

Well Able | Revival Week 2024

When Israel first saw the Promised Land (Numbers 13), it was through the eyes of two different groups of people: ten who saw why it would never happen and two who believed in God's promise. Christine Caine shares the challenge facing us today -- either to focus on the promise or focus on the problem -- and its generational impact.

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Christine Caine Steve Sande Christine Caine Steve Sande

A New Thing | Revival Week 2024

Our second Revival Week 2024 message challenges our idea of what God might do to bring about revival in our time.  Using Isaiah 43:16-19 as a foundation, guest speaker Christine Caine shares that our familiarity with what God has done might just be the thing that causes us to miss what God will do. 

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Christine Caine Steve Sande Christine Caine Steve Sande

The Edge | Revival Week 2024

Have you ever felt like you lost your edge, like what had worked for you in the past wasn't working any longer?  In this Revival Week 2024 kickoff, Christine Caine shares the story of Elisha and the ax head from 2 Kings 6, revealing important truths about why we might have lost our edge and how to get it back.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

An Invitation From God

What's the difference between a command, a calling, or an invitation from God?  Should we respond to each differently?  Do each come with their own set of consequences?  Pastor Shane shares the the story of Revolution Church's invitation to pursue revival ahead of the 2024 Revival Week services. 

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Rebekah Layton Steve Sande Rebekah Layton Steve Sande

A Singular Focus | Life Verse (Part 10)

What's the difference between those who finish the race and those who get distracted, between those who receive an eternal reward and those who are the least in the kingdom of God? In today's message, Pastor Rebekah shares a life verse that answers that question: Acts 20:24, Paul's revelation of his total commitment to Christ and the cost it requires.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

The Need At Our Gate

Today's sermon examines the story of Lazarus the beggar at the gate of the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) in the context of opportunities we have to serve people in need at our various campuses and potential campus locations. In particular, we learn about the Hope Homes galas that are happening around the country and how we can help those who have been laid at our gates.

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Shane Farmer Steve Sande Shane Farmer Steve Sande

Abiding In Him | Life Verse (Part 9)

Many people say they believe in Jesus, but do they believe the words that He says? In today's message, Pastor Shane shares his life verse (John 15:5) and the key to producing fruit in the kingdom of God, beginning with an understanding of what it means to abide in Christ.

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Brandon Grissom Steve Sande Brandon Grissom Steve Sande

Divine Interruptions | Life Verse (Part 7)

In our ever increasingly busy world -- where we're doing more but feeling like we're accomplishing less than ever -- it's important to be open to what God's doing. Pastor Brandon shares a life verse from Hebrews (13:1-2) and examples from the life of Jesus that demonstrate the interruptions to our busy schedule just might be the Kingdom breaking in.

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Trent Minor Steve Sande Trent Minor Steve Sande

A Convincing Love | Life Verse (Part 6)

We all know about God's love, but have you ever had trouble believing it's for you? Our Life Verse series continues as Pastor Trent shares his anchor verse for life (Romans 8:38-39), providing each of us the conviction we need to remember that God's love is for us no matter what.

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