Church of the Front Range

School of Ministry


We have a commission to raise up a Joshua and Caleb generation. Out of two million people, there were only two who entered into God's promises and the fullness of them. In a culture of fear, doubt and idolatry, these two were wholly devoted to the Lord and they believed what God said in the face of what they saw with their own eyes. They were resilient and persevering. At eighty-five years old, Caleb was still filled with faith to take on the giants of the land.  

In prayer, we are hearing that a tidal wave of the enemy's agenda is here and with more on the way. We are called to raise up a generation that rises above it. In your lifetime, only faith will float. These are urgent days.

And, God isn't finished yet. Christ will not return until every tribe and every tongue has come into His eternal Kingdom. We are to raise up a Joshua and Caleb generation who have a faith that endures and overcomes to the end; and to see the Great Commission fulfilled to the ends of the earth. 

The School of Ministry exists to see His Kingdom breaking in with power; resulting in the advance of His mission to the praise of His name.



Whenever we read of the early church, we read of people who walked in  God's power.  

 They proclaimed the Gospel in word, deed, signs and wonders - also known as Declare, Do, Demonstrate.

The world will not be won by intellectual prowess, bickering, or debates.  It is not enough just to “know”.  It is also not enough just to “do”. The living and the doing has to be accompanied with a powerful verbal witness and declaration. Otherwise, the living is misinterpreted for what it is not: “He is a good person.  She is a nice person.  He is a kind person.” No lives or eternities are changed from that alone. There must be a demonstration of God's power and presence; but, not just to receive an encounter or healing and then walk away. It is meant to fill the altars with worshipers; and not just with people in awe of what occurred and who simply go on their way. It is intended to produce worship, faith and surrender. 

If we are to Declare, Do and Demonstrate, we will need four things: Worship and Prayer; Word and Spirit.  All four are essential.  We cannot Declare, Do and Demonstrate without Worship, Prayer, Word and Spirit. 

 We are to declare in power, demonstrate in power, and do in power.  

This requires a life of:

 Dependence in prayer | Devotion to His word  | Drive for His worship  | Direction of the Spirit 

 It is our dependence and desperation in the place of prayer that moves the heart of our Father so that His Kingdom will come and His will be done in our lives, in our church and on the frontiers of world mission.  We are called to be a people who seek God in His Word daily and a people who obey God’s word fully.  We believe that God deserves full heart and full voice regardless of our mood or circumstances when we worship.  We want our students to be led by the Spirit of God, experience the Spirit of God and celebrate the fullness of what He does.


What is the profile for those who should attend COTFR School of Ministry? 

Those called to Ministry. 

How do you know if you are called to Ministry?

•  You feel that to do anything else would be disobedient.

•  You feel there is no greater privilege or honor than devoting any amount of effort or time to one thing:  Him, and His name being made great.

•  You had a moment where you felt like you heard this call from Him. You may be looking for confirmation that it was real; but, that moment did happen.

•  God has placed a burden within you for His praise; or for the lost; or for His word; or for a generation to be raised up; or for a wrong to be righted; or for a place for a people group. It can be this specific; or, it could be a general sense that you cannot imagine doing anything else than serving Him with your whole life. For you, nothing else matters and nothing else comes close.

• You may not feel like you are qualified or have a stand-out strength or skill to offer.  You may think to yourself, "I don't even know what I would do." Don't be afraid. He doesn't need that. He doesn't need people who depend on themselves and what they can see on their own.  If He calls you, He will show you.


This School of Ministry is for ministers of a different kind and caliber.

Wholly given to Him. All Heart. All Mind. All Time. No piecing and parceling out sections or chunks for God. All.

Our goal is to raise up a persevering and prevailing people. This is a Navy Seals boot camp version of a ministry school. We are here to raise up a rare breed of ministers. Spiritual warfare will be real. There will be lots of hard work. This is not an internship where you clock in and clock out. Due to the intensity of the program, you will not be able to have outside employment during the year.

• This program is for those drawn to any type of ministry:  administration, technology, pastoral, teaching, local or international. Ministry needs every type of gifting.

• What about age? Primarily, the School of Ministry is designed to be a gap year before college and after graduating from high school. Secondarily, it can be a gap year right after college.  However, we offer flexibility and are open to those who are in different seasons of life.  The program is designed to be one year; but, can be extended to two years, as well.

• The School of Ministry is for men and women.

• The School of Ministry is for those who believe in the Bible; that it is God’s word and without error; and it is the authority on faith and life.

• The School of Ministry is for those who strive to be submitted to God and His word in all walks of life.  It is for the person who does not see surrender as the finish line; but, the starting line and the standard, every step of the way.

• The School of Ministry is for those who believe in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Regardless of your area of focus within the School of Ministry, all students will receive the same teaching; sharing the same theological and philosophical training and standard. Each student will also receive additional unique and tactical training, based on their area of focus.



100% of graduates go on to serve faithfully in ministry.

Graduates leave with a clearer perspective of God's design and calling on their life.

Graduates exit with the confidence to walk by faith and not by sight.

First commandment first: His praise is their priority.

Love God's Word. Believe God's Word. Proud of God's Word. Devoted to God’s Word. Competent of the whole of God's Word from Genesis to Revelation and how it all hangs together.

Confidence in God’s character.

Identity as loved son or loved daughter. Every student leaves fixed, stable and secure. 

A heart to hear God's voice. 

A lifestyle of prayer: Intercessory and Inquiring.

Free from idols of significance, security and satisfaction.

Freedom to do ministry in peace and without identity on the line. Each graduate is filled with joy for the One they love and trust.

Sharpened minds. Softened hearts. Spirit-submitted feet. 

Knowing their dependence and acting in reliance on Him.

A persevering and enduring walk with Christ. 

Word & Spirit.  Worship & Prayer.


In the School of Ministry you will be trained UP, DOWN and OUT -  forming a razor sharp arrow point that can be shot out around the world.

The program is designed to be one year; but, can be extended to two. It is full-time.

In the School of Ministry, you will Learn, Experience and Do.  It is a combination of these three.

You will be fully engaged in our midweek and weekend ministry, as well as varied church functions throughout the week.  You will be on staff and fully engaged in the daily responsibilities of our church.

There will be a consistent emphasis on Faith:  Step then See; not, See then Step. Taking leaps of faith in the face of fear will be a norm.

The School of Ministry is a paid internship whereby the student fundraises from their own network and COTFR will match, dollar for dollar, up to a set amount of money to cover personal expenses. For those students accepted, we will give coaching on how to fundraise. Also, if requested, we are willing to assist in exploring free housing for the duration of the program.

Three categories: Learn, Do, Experience 


Training your mind Biblically - You will be taught how to engage with issues of today. We will teach you to face what you haven’t faced before through the filter of scripture.  You cannot navigate shifting waters by memorization. This school is a place of deconstruction, but not a deconstructing of your faith. You will learn to deconstruct what is coming against your faith and learn to walk by faith. You will learn how to see and recognize, "What am I being asked to believe? What does He say on this subject?"

You will read the New Testament 12 times (once per month) during the school year.


•  Staff Meetings

•  Leadership meetings

•  Serve Wednesday Nights

•  Serve Weekend Services

•  Mentor meeting - each student will have an assigned mentor

• There will be a rotation into areas of ministry outside of your focus. All students will prepare teaching devotions;  serve on an administrative project; do a rotation in kids ministry; serve in prayer ministry; etc.  Students will have exposure to a broad scope of ministry. 

•  Homework, including reading and writing papers, will be normative.

•  Key ministry responsibilities will be entrusted to you.


•  Students will be in a small group

•  Recipients of prayer ministry

•  Inquiring Prayer

•  Recruiting, envisioning and leading volunteers

•  Each student will leave able and eager to share the gospel 


If you would like to learn more about the Church of the Front Range School of Ministry, please contact Veronica Asher.