is to Love the Lord Our God with All Our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength and Second, to Teach Others to Do the Same.



Saturday at 5p (Lone Tree only) | Sunday at 10a


Wednesday, Groups at 5:30p* | Gathering at 7p

* We have an alternative schedule for small group meetings for the summer. Please view the location page for campus specific schedules


In keeping pace with all that God is doing, we have felt led to bring Him continuous, unbroken 24/7 Worship and Prayer as a ministry to Him until the time He leads otherwise.

Will you join us in bringing fresh logs to the fire by signing up for 24/7 worship and/or 24/7 prayer? We are praying for God to grow this bonfire into a blaze that revives the Front Range. You may sign up for a worship/prayer slot any time of day so the fires of worship will not go out!

Please consider praying during your hour at the altar in God’s house. We want continuous praise and prayer going up before our God.

Let my prayer be counted as incense before you… - Psalm 141:2a



Topical articles from the archives of the Revolution Church teaching team.

Catapult Your Relationship with God

Do you want to know and experience God more fully? All studies reveal that reading and reflecting on the meaning of Scripture daily, or almost daily, is the #1 way to experience Him.

Join us as we collectively go through Bible In One Year (B1Y) together and see how God can catapult your faith.